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Nourishing Your Beauty, Enhancing Your Performance, Embracing Healthy Aging.

At The Oddity, we believe in the power of nature to provide healthy and natural solutions. Our range of innovative, sustainable, and high-quality products is designed to elevate your beauty, empower your sports performance, and embrace healthy aging. Join us on this journey to a radiant life!

Beauty, Sports, Healthy Aging

We work with products clinically tested because your results matter.


Get Ready for Spring: 3 Reasons Why Taking Collagen with Vitamin C is Advisable

With the arrival of spring, our bodies undergo a transition to warmer days and outdoor activities. It's the perfect time to renew our personal care routine and focus on keeping our skin radiant and our health at its best. An effective way to do this is by incorporating collagen with vitamin C into our daily diet.

2,500 kg of Plastic for a Free Bike

The recent campaign undertaken by The Oddity Supplements, in collaboration with Cityflow and Empower Eco, has yielded outstanding results by successfully integrating the core values of sustainability, social responsibility, and wellness.

Oceancoll and Cityflow launch the first negative-price bicycle campaign in Barcelona

The Oddity Supplements, the Oceancoll® marine collagen-based food supplement company, has teamed up with Cityflow, a bicycle advertising startup, to promote its hydrolyzed marine collagen products. The campaign also includes a collaboration with Empower Eco, an organization committed to the oceans, to drive sustainability and promote social awareness.

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